Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Writers Police

Sometimes writing is personal. No? Like you want to keep something to yourself. Isn’t that why you you write personal diary entries? What ever. I don’t really know about this stuff. I’m not the type of girl that likes to write that kind of stuff. I prefer writing novels. But I know a bunch of girls that write into a journal or a diary every day. Take Maha for an example. She writes in a diary, and then takes it to school, so that her mom and dad and whoever else lives in her house wont read it. Then she walks around school with her journal in hand. Sometimes I wonder if she is trying to get people to see it, so they will want to read it, and then she will be able to say: ¨No. It’s personal. I talk about my crush and this and that in it, and I dont want you to know about it¨. The girls here would just be like: ¨Oh my god! Let me read it!¨ And then she would be the center of attention for a day or so until she shows them the journal. No one ever asks though, and then again. We are talking about Maha here.
Anyways. So Mrs. Meadows, our English teacher, makes us write a lot. I like writing and all, but she goes around picking up journals and making up stories. She picks up a random book, and reads: I love bla bla bla. She or he is amazing and every time she looks at me, I blush. bla bla bla. She reads, and the ¨writer¨ turns red, and looks away. 
Luckily it has never happened to me. I try to work quickly and quietly, so she wont choose mine. (She usually picks the people that don’t work as fast as others). I try to always be ahead of the game, and have at least a paragraph more than the class. But it’s hard. I must confess.  She patrols the class, looking for people with not much work done. She walks around the class, a smile on her face, waiting for the next victim to pass by. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, so stay on your game! Oh, and the knowledge of knowing that the made up story could be about them, usually gets them brain storming pretty quickly. However, in one of my classes, someone actually used the story that I made up with their own twist(go figure).
