Monday, December 12, 2011

People always think something's all true. (J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 2)

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger was originally banned due to it’s bad language, mocking of religion, sexuality, and because it wasn't "appropriate" for youth. (Chasan,1). But after having read this book I must disagree. Many books, have way worse language. More sexuality, and there are definitely books, that are less appropriate. 
Now I must say though, it does have quite a bit of ¨inappropriate¨ parts in it, that might shake some people up. So I don’t think you should read it to a young child. But if you are in Middle School, it should be no problem. You can’t hide the big and bad world from kids like the main character Holden always tries to do. The novel prepares you for life, and shows you that not everything is fair, and that life is hard, and that one day you will grow out of your innocence. Holden deals with coming of age issues just like every other teenager. This is a reason I think The catcher in the Rye should taught in schools. Even now in 2011, we go threw the same issues that Holden went threw.
According to the article ¨Why J.D Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye still provokes book bans¨ this book was banned for three main reasons. Mocking of Religion, sexuality and the use of profanity. The book in general teaches teenagers that they're not the first adolescent in history to experience angst. 
Bad language: Goddam, phony, hell, son of a bitch, snob and ass. Yes, they are bad words. But many books have worse words. And I mean give me a break. Every school has people that cuss, and you probably hear about ten bad words a day. At least. So I don’t see how it would make a difference in the book, and that this would cause a book ban.
Sexuality: Sexuality is a big part in the world right now. I mean you can’t go anywhere without seeing some kind of sexuality. (people kissing in the street, people hugging...etc.). I know it’ a little more intense, and a little more graphic in The Catcher in the Rye, but come on! We are growing up, and like I said. You can’t stay innocent for ever. So I don’t see how this would be a problem either. Many books have more sexuality in them. If you have read Please don’t be true by Phyllis Reynolds you know what I’m talking about.
Religion: Now I see how this could hurt someone if you were really religious. The book does kind of mock religion a little. Like for example when Ossenburger is giving the speech, and he says that he talks to jesus all the time, even in his car, and Holden says: ¨That killed me. I can just see that big phony bastard shifting into his first gear, and askingJesus to send him few more shifts¨ (page 23) or when he is talking to the nuns with the ¨cheap¨ suitcases. This can be dealt with to though. If you c^know that you are really religious, then don’t read the book. This should still not cause a book ban. 
But this is really not the reason I think the book should be unbanned. The main reason I think it should be available for everyone to read, is because the writing is just amazing! The whole book is about finding the deeper meaning of everything Holden Caufield says. So I have no idea why people would try to ban the book.
Holden was a very annoying character, and the story line sometimes might have been a little boring, but I think it was one of the best books I have read. So much deep meaning. So much description, and so real. Banning a book so real, and with such great writing is just wrong, and I could not imagine being J.D Salinger. Working so hard for the final product, and then having it banned. 
Since there are three reasons the book should be banned, I have for why it should not be banned.
One: its a relatable story students can relate too 
Two: it shows how not to live
Three: No book should be banned because book banning is the refuge of those who are fearful of ideas and opinions different than their own.
I don’t care what others say, but I will recommend this book to many other people.

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