Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Where I am from

I am from the tree house perched in between the first and second branch of the tall oak tree,
from exploring the darkest of the woods on spooky nights.
I am from the red swing
when you went to high). 
I am from the tree planted 
at my birth,
whose leaves turned gold in fall, and all fell within one day.
I am from the hollywood swing that rocked me to sleep on summer nights,
from grandma and her ripe apple pie on a crisp winter evening.
I am from the musent’s 
and the don’ts, 
from ¨Our father who are in heaven¨ 
and from two other prayers 
that I can’t remember.
I am from long talks about family on christmas eve with cousin Rachel,
and from trick or treating on Halloween.
From falling asleep watching the sun rise 
and from chocolate milk after playing in the snow.
From Mamis chocolate cake on birthdays 
and her apple sauce on christmas.
I am from carousels and cotton-candy on on carneval,
from coke and mentors in the back yard with Henry,
and from Burger patties and french fries in summer with Zoester.
I am from moving away, 
and from coming back.
I am from the overalls I wore in winter, 
from the worn out jeans I wore in summer.
I am from ¨stars and stripes forever¨ in the summer, 
and from frost bites in the winter.
From the ¨keep in touche¨s and the ¨don’t forget me¨s. 
I am from living my dreams. 

Middle Mindz


  1. Sarah I love how your show us so many things and really descriptive
    Its a really great poem! you are an awesome writer you can be really famous
    some day!! loveu Maryg.

  2. Sarah! that's and amazing poem! I love how you describe everything so well and you show and not tell! When I read it, pictures pop up into my mind! you are a really great writer! love you :)

  3. Lovely Poem. It describes so much and so perfectly. Your picture goes perfectly with your poem. The treat or trickpart I love. I remember the halloween of 2009, you and me going around looking for sweats, and your moms delicious chocolate cake! Great Job!!!
