Monday, September 19, 2011

Diary entrie

October 2nd 1643
First day in the new world
Dear Diary
I have imperative news:
Me and my mommy and daddy had made a spontaneous decision to come live in the new world, because we were being persecuted back home in england
     So its my first day here in the new world. I feel really weird here. A different feeling has risen in me, since we came here. It’s so different here. Do you want an example? Ok. Here is one. Instead of writing in my room right now, I am here sitting underneath this weird tree.  I’m not even entirely sure they are trees. Anyway. All the men that signed the Mayflower 
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compact, are now arguing about some ¨Important information¨ that little girls are not allowed to listen too. Oh right. I never really explained the mayflower compact to you. Sorry dear Diary. Anyway. The Mayflower compact is a big piece of paper that all the big men that own land had to sign. In it, it says that if you do something, and it’s not for the good of the rest of the colony, you have to stop doing what ever it is. I really think this is kind of stupid.
     Anyway. I really miss grandma. I have a really dark disposition when ever I think about her. On the way here, she became really pale on the boat and began to get all feverish and started to vomit. Then Three days later, we found her dead body in her little bed. I had put my hand over my mouth to stifle a scream, I was able hear my heart hammering in my chest. It had echoed in my head.  Then I then realized that I had been holding my breath. I eased the air out of my lungs slowly, then the smell had hit me. I had tried to prevent the bile rising in my throat as the putrid scent had invaded my nostrils. Her dead body had just been lying there. After we had alarmed the captain of the boat. He sent some people, that called themselves doctors. They explained that she had gotten sick, like many people on the boat. Then they took her to the top deck, and threw her over board. I still get teary now when I remember her body floating away in the distance.
     I feel so far away from home dear diary. I’m not happy here. Im just glad that Daddy is not being made fun of anymore at his work. I had taken a nap earlier before, and I had a 
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dream that this colony would rise to be one of the greatest, and that my daddy and mommy had helped make this big and strong and powerful, and that one day we would go down in history. 
     Right now, daddy finished arguing, and will now go build a little house for us. He had already bought a cupel of acres for us back home, so we would be sure to have a home. I cant wait until one day-hopefully soon- we will be at home here.
     Oh my god. You wont believe what i am seeing right now. Crazy animals are coming out of the forest. They look guile as they sneak out of the forest Actually no! They are humans!!! They have bird feathers in their hair, and carrying large sticks with points on the top. And oh no. oh no. they are heading for the village, or what we call the village. There are really no houses there yet. I should better go help the villagers. They look scared. But the people with the feathers, look kind of friendly. A little boy, is walking behind what looks like to be the king. He just waved at me, and I waved back. 
     So I really have to go now dear diary. I might have already made my first friend here in the new world. I will write to you as soon as I get back from this adventure.
Much love,

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