Monday, September 19, 2011

Diary entrie

October 2nd 1643
First day in the new world
Dear Diary
I have imperative news:
Me and my mommy and daddy had made a spontaneous decision to come live in the new world, because we were being persecuted back home in england
     So its my first day here in the new world. I feel really weird here. A different feeling has risen in me, since we came here. It’s so different here. Do you want an example? Ok. Here is one. Instead of writing in my room right now, I am here sitting underneath this weird tree.  I’m not even entirely sure they are trees. Anyway. All the men that signed the Mayflower 
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compact, are now arguing about some ¨Important information¨ that little girls are not allowed to listen too. Oh right. I never really explained the mayflower compact to you. Sorry dear Diary. Anyway. The Mayflower compact is a big piece of paper that all the big men that own land had to sign. In it, it says that if you do something, and it’s not for the good of the rest of the colony, you have to stop doing what ever it is. I really think this is kind of stupid.
     Anyway. I really miss grandma. I have a really dark disposition when ever I think about her. On the way here, she became really pale on the boat and began to get all feverish and started to vomit. Then Three days later, we found her dead body in her little bed. I had put my hand over my mouth to stifle a scream, I was able hear my heart hammering in my chest. It had echoed in my head.  Then I then realized that I had been holding my breath. I eased the air out of my lungs slowly, then the smell had hit me. I had tried to prevent the bile rising in my throat as the putrid scent had invaded my nostrils. Her dead body had just been lying there. After we had alarmed the captain of the boat. He sent some people, that called themselves doctors. They explained that she had gotten sick, like many people on the boat. Then they took her to the top deck, and threw her over board. I still get teary now when I remember her body floating away in the distance.
     I feel so far away from home dear diary. I’m not happy here. Im just glad that Daddy is not being made fun of anymore at his work. I had taken a nap earlier before, and I had a 
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dream that this colony would rise to be one of the greatest, and that my daddy and mommy had helped make this big and strong and powerful, and that one day we would go down in history. 
     Right now, daddy finished arguing, and will now go build a little house for us. He had already bought a cupel of acres for us back home, so we would be sure to have a home. I cant wait until one day-hopefully soon- we will be at home here.
     Oh my god. You wont believe what i am seeing right now. Crazy animals are coming out of the forest. They look guile as they sneak out of the forest Actually no! They are humans!!! They have bird feathers in their hair, and carrying large sticks with points on the top. And oh no. oh no. they are heading for the village, or what we call the village. There are really no houses there yet. I should better go help the villagers. They look scared. But the people with the feathers, look kind of friendly. A little boy, is walking behind what looks like to be the king. He just waved at me, and I waved back. 
     So I really have to go now dear diary. I might have already made my first friend here in the new world. I will write to you as soon as I get back from this adventure.
Much love,

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Cry- Tell Tale Heart

     The Sunset fell past the horizon, as a black haze fixed itself over the sky, perilous lightning strikes filled the sky, and the moon glowed over the forest, creating a gloomy look over the waxing sky. Lightning flashes provided the only dim light on the somber evening; they were answered by roars of low thunder, filling the little living room with little shakes. I worked on my quilt gingerly.  I had to finish it before winter would come. Just thinking about it made me shiver. The soft cotton-like flakes would fall from the sky, covering the world in its beauty. The lake would freeze, the birds would fly away to a warm home somewhere in Africa. the fire would crackle in the fireplace, spreading only little warmth into the rest of the house.
     I grimaced at the thought of it. I had to endeavor this goal quickly. Stitch for stitch, I worked into the night.
    The thunder and lightning had died out. Hear and there, a lightning would rip threw the cloudy night sky, but the thunder was completely gone.
     The night became dark, and I lit a oil lamp that hung from the ceiling. The dim light filled the room with a faint glow. The abrasions on the floor boards looked hollow and ghost like as the light fell upon them.
     I went back to working on my quilt diligently. I didn't want to to it in a cursory manner. So the quilt would hold for a while, I made it double layer. We would need the warmth.
     Clad in his big warm jacket I had made for him, my husband Harry walked into the living room, pulling me away from my thoughts. His noes was running, his lips had turns purple, his cheeks were rosy and his jacket had tinny ice crystals on it, that were now melting in the warmth of the fire.
     ¨It’s late honey¨ he mumbled ¨You should go to bed¨.
     I ignored the comment, and he headed into the bedroom, to change into his pajamas.
     A owl began to hoot out in the forest by the lake. It made me feel tired, and my eyes began to droop. But I would not succumb this. I had to finish the quilt. My hands ached, my head throbbed, and my throat felt dry. I got up, and went to the kitchen and pored myself some water, from the bucket that Harry had filled from the lake and then brought back home this morning. I drank two full glasses so I wouldn't get dehydrated. 
     Before going back to work, I checked my fabric inventory for some green fabric. I was rummaging threw the big box in the closet when I herd the gruesome cry from outside. A chill ran down my spine, freezing my blood, and turning my bones into icicles. I scurried to the wall and leaned my back against it. My heard pounded. This was definitely not an animal. That was a human cry. I could feel my heart pound in my throat. My knees shook and my head began to spin. I harked into the darkness, listening for another scream or maybe some laughing indicating it was just a joke. But nothing happens. The owl had stopped to hoot, and all I heard, was my heart pounding. I slid down along the wall, so I was sitting on the floor, knees up to my chest, and back against the wall. I listen to the wall clock tick tock. Once. Twice. Three times, and then when I still don't hear anything, I stumble to my feet, and run into the bed room.
     ¨Harry!¨ I say franticly pulling at his sleeve. ¨Did you hear that?!¨
     He dismisses me with a loud snore.
    ¨Harry!¨ I say more loudly this time.
     Still nothing.
     ¨Harry!¨ I say it almost screaming this time.
     ¨What?!¨I hear him mumble under neath the blankets.
     ¨Did you hear that scream?!¨ I ask
     ¨No.¨ He answers ¨Don’t worry about it, it was probably just an animal. Go back to sleep.¨
     Ugh!! How could he be so careless? The scream had electrified me so much! How could he just ignore that? How did he not realize that I was not sleeping yet? How did he not remember that I was still quilting?
    ¨Harry!¨I say franticly ¨It was not an animal! It was a human! Now get up!! Im scared!¨
     He mumbles some more, and tosses and turns, but then he finally sits up.
     ¨We have to go to the police!¨ I say ¨What if something happened to King John?¨
     ¨Sweetie¨he says soothingly ¨You have to calm down. Im sure he’s ok.¨
     ¨Well Im not!¨ I say, the anger slowly rising in me. ¨I promised him, that if something suspicious would happen, I would go to the police. And I’m keeping my promises!¨
     I head over to the other side of the bed, and pull my gloves from my nightstand, and slip my hands inside of them. I surmised it would be cold outside, so I put on another layer, and then head outside into the living room. How could Harry be so cold hearted? I sat onto the chair I had sat on before, and pull my leather shoes on. Just as I pulled my jacket from the coat rack, Harry walked into the living room, wearing his thick trousers and his plaid shirt.
    ¨Im coming too.¨he says still sleepy.
   I smile, and pull my Jacket on. He does the same, and we walk outside together. the wind slapped me in the face, and the frost bit at my cheeks. I didn't suspect it to be this cold. I had about another week to finish the quilt i guessed. We walk across the meadow and into the woods. Harry held the lantern he brought out in front of us, as we make our way threw the bushes and pine trees. After about two miles of walking, it begins to rain. The rain drops splash against my face, and then they run down my cheeks, leaving my skin bare and cold. I search for Harrys hand in the dark, and we find each other, we walk on hand in hand.
     When we finally reach the town, the lantern is almost burnt out, and we walk along the moon lit alleys until we find the police station. A small gray building covered in ivy looms in front of us. A eerie feeling begins to brew in my chest, and I take a deep breath before knocking on the door.
     A small guy with gray hair opens the door for us sleepily. He motions for us to come in and gestures for us to sit down. The police station is dark, and seem uninviting. A Oil lamp hangs from the celling like at our house, and a lanterns stands on the officers table. Next to us, at another desk, a other officer has his feet on the table, and is snoring like a bear. The officer comes in behind us, and sits down at the other side of the desk. He asks us why we are here, and I explain what had happened. After I finish my tale, Harry nods to corroborate my story. The police man takes a few notes, and then looks up. He doesn't speak to us in the gruff manner that he had used before. Instead, he smiles at us, and thanks us for the information. He says he had derived enough information from us for now, and that he and his men would go check out the situation tomorrow morning. He told us he had had a similar case before , and that they found out that it was only a parrot simulating the sound of a real scream, but he promised us us that he would make sure that everyone was ok. Then he thanked us again.
     ¨Our candle is out.¨ Harry said to him. ¨Do you know where I can buy a new one?¨
     ¨Well its late¨ the officer said, ¨but you can have mine¨.
     He hands us his lantern, a warm smile spreads across his face, and Harry and I accept it gratefully. Harry searches his pockets, and pulls out a gold coin, and hands it to the officer. The officer didn’t accept it though, so me and Harry walk outside into the darkness. We walk back along the alleys again, and back to the woods. On our way, a horse drawn carriage, passes us, clitterclatting along the side walk. My feet begin to hurt, but i don’t say anything. I am grateful for Harrys presents, and i wrap my arm around him. He does the same, and we walk threw the forest and threw the rain, following the light of the lantern the officer had gave us until we are almost all the way home.
     When we pass King Johns house, one strange beam of light shines out his bedroom window, and one shadow is cast along his wall. The selliouet of the shadowy person, strangley reminds me of someone I know, but I don’t think about it any longer. The room seems hollow and eerie and a little ghost like, but I try not to think about it. I burry my head in Harrys coat. My coat is dripping wet, my shoes had tore a little, and strands of hair hung into my face.  I let my mind wander off, as we walked arm in arm back to our home. The dark empty but dry home.
-Sarah Maria Jerjen