Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Not-So-Important-Wednesday

     So we got homework today. To make a blog. And guess what? I was actually able to make one! And this is it. Sarita-Marias blog. Pretty impressive. Right? Well the good news is, it was actually easy to make this blog. The bad news is, we also got other homework. And the homework was to write on our blog about something that happened during our day. But nothing really happened to me today. Today was a pretty boring day. Its Wednesday, and you only have half a day of school, so you wonder, why do teachers even make you come to school? Because I live like a hour away from the school. so its kinda annoying to get on the bus at like 6:00am and then go to school for only five hours. And here is some more bad news. The teachers actually make you do work on Wednesdays! so this is why my day today was so boring. All we did was work, and I'm sure you all don't wanna hear about my school work... so hear is my story. 
     So we were sitting in English class, and Mrs. Meadows was teaching us how to make a blog. I was trying to concentrate, so i would be able to make it when i got home, but it was kind of hard. Marc was doodling...again! I mean Mrs meadows litterly tells him everyday ¨marc please stop doodling¨. Eric was telling me about the blog he already had and about his old science teacher -so no offence Eric- but I wasn't really paying attention. I was trying to learn how to make a blog. Some of the new kids, seemed really bored in our class, and were also doodling. Sandro and Miranda were poking each other, and suddenly I realized that me and Maria were some of the only ones paying attention. 
    So I started to doodle on my note book too. I drew two guys fighting tae kwon do together, and suddenly i was drawing and drawing until i had two full pages covered. 
     the next time I look up, Mrs meadows is talking about ganders of books. i feel embarrassed for not listening to her while I was drawing, so I try to pay extra close attention. My mind keeps wandering off, but i really try to stay focused. 
     Class is over, and I go threw my mind again if I'm really sure that i know how to make the blog, then pack my stuff up, and leave threw the door, and into the crowded hallways.
